2005, Volume 5, Issue 1
Research Article
Demographic properties of patients presenting to the emergency department in Turkey
İsa Kılıçaslan, H. Bozan, C. Oktay, E. Göksu
Pages: 005-013 (15279 views 2836 downloads)
Characteristics of adult patients with spontaneous pneumothorax in the emergency department: A case series
Suna Soysal, H. Topaçoğlu, O. İtil, D. Tığlı, F. Kaynak
Pages: 014-017 (8638 views 1530 downloads)
Carbonmonoxide poisoning among patients presenting with nonspesific symptoms to the emergency department
H. Sever, İbrahim İkizceli, L. Avşaroğulları, M. E. Sözüer, S. Özkan, Y. Yürümez, Y. Yavuz
Pages: 018-021 (8513 views 1700 downloads)
The evaluation of nursing students’ knowledge and skills about basic life support just and three months after a training
Azize Karahan, B. Cerit, B. Ak, N. Çıtak, S. Şahin, F. Ayhan
Pages: 022-027 (9266 views 1627 downloads)
Retrospective evaluation of spinal cord injury victims presented to the emergency department
Abdülkadir Gündüz, H. Narcı, S. Türedi, M. Yandı
Pages: 028-031 (5759 views 1342 downloads)
Aortic dissection: Two years clinical experience of patients diagnosed with aortic disection in an university emergency department
Ayça Açıkalaın, S. Satar, O. Akpınar, G. Kuvandık, A. Sarı, M. Kanadaşı, H. Yalnız
Pages: 032-035 (7995 views 6794 downloads)
Case Report / Case Series
Posttraumatic unilateral quadriceps rectus femoris tendon repture: A case report and review of the literature
İbrahim Türkçüer, F. Kaynak, D. Tığlı
Pages: 036-038 (8019 views 1719 downloads)
Lyme disease: Case report and review of the literature
Özgür Karcıoğlu, S. Bozkurt, H. Topaçoğlu, P. Ünverir
Pages: 039-042 (4742 views 1594 downloads)
Review Article
Araştırma Evreleri IV Değerlendirme ve Hipotez Testlerinin Seçimi
Osman Saka
Pages: 043-047 (8815 views 1865 downloads)
What Should Read Last
Acil Serviste Hasta Memnuniyeti: Literatürün Gözden Geçirilmesi ve Klinik Pratikteki Yansımaları
İsa Kılıçaslan
Pages: 048-051 (0 views 1272 downloads)
Acil Serviste Hasta Memnuniyeti: Literatürün Gözden Geçirilmesi ve Klinik Pratikteki Yansımaları
İbrahim Türkçüer
Pages: 052-054 (0 views 1544 downloads)