2008, Volume 8, Issue 3
Experimental Work
Investigation of acute effects of diclofenac sodium on rat kidney with unilateral ureteral obstruction
Mustafa Yıldız, Murat Pekdemir, Nusret Akpolat, Polat Durukan, Dilara Seçkin, Hüseyin Çeliker, Cemil Kavalcı, Ali Rahman
Pages: 103-109 (7421 views 1649 downloads)
Research Article
Seasonal Distribution of Renal Colic Visits to Emergency Department
Özlem Yiğit, Soner Işık
Pages: 110-113 (6983 views 3646 downloads)
Prevalence of Microorganisms in Patients Presented with Gastroenteritis to the Emergency Department
Hakan Oğuztürk, Şevki Hakan Eren, İlhan Korkmaz, Fatma Mutlu Kukul Güven
Pages: 114-120 (7190 views 3454 downloads)
Evaluating the relationship between serum acetylcholinesterase levels and clinical course and mortality of patients presented with organophosphate and carbamate posinings
Necip KAHRAMAN, Sedat YANTURALI, Şule KALKAN, Neşe Çolak ORAY, Nil Hocaoğlu, Aslı Uğurhan
Pages: 121-126 (6215 views 1510 downloads)
Sociodemographic features of suicid attempters evaluated at psychiatric outpatient clinic after assessment in emergency service
Ceyhan Balcı Sengül, Mustafa Serinken, Cem Sengül, Seyran BOZKURT, Ayhan Korkmaz
Pages: 127-131 (7097 views 1706 downloads)
Visual Diagnosis
Case Report / Case Series
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: a case report
Filiz Koç, Zeynep Kekeç
Pages: 133-135 (6500 views 3459 downloads)
Altered mental status and delayed serious allergic reaction after drinking the boiled water of nettle (Urtica dioica)
Ahmet Tuğrul ZEYTiN, Nurdan ERGÜN, Arif Alper Çevik, Hamit Özçelik
Pages: 136-138 (10992 views 1856 downloads)
Haemodialysis in serious valproic acid poisoning: a case report
Türker YARDAN, Ahmet BAYDIN, Selim GENÇ, Ethem ACAR
Pages: 139-142 (6838 views 3138 downloads)
Review Article
Sedation and analgesia in emergency department
Selahattin Kıyan
Pages: 144-151 (6604 views 3746 downloads)
Letter to the Editor
Acil Servislerde Hastalıkları Tanımla(ya)mıyor muyuz?
Hüseyin Çebiçci, Murat Yücel, Nurullah Günay
Pages: 152-153 (0 views 1440 downloads)