Ali Ekşi, Yasin Sezer, İlhami Ünlüoğlu


As a parallel of Prehospital Emergency Care Services that have developed rapidly in recent years, equipments that are used in emergency care for immobilization are increasing. Splints that are used in Prehospital Emergency Care; prevent motion of broken bone ends, decrease pain, minimize further damage to muscles, nerves and blood vessels. Splinting also reduces the risk of converting a closed injury to an open one. Vacuum Splints are a special type of rigid splints. Application of vacuum splints is very simple. Injuries can be immobilized in the position in which theyare found. Vacuum splints are radiolucent and do not apply external pressure to the injured extremity. But depending on a pump and valve system and high co st of the splints are the ir disadvantages. Air splints are sofi: splints that become rigid when inflated. Besides providing immobilization, they help compress underlying sofi: tissue to reduce local hemonhage. These devices are sensitive to differences in atrnospheric pressure and ternperature. Pneurnatie Anti-shock Garrnent (PASG) is a special type of air splints, that has special applying techniques and can be used for lower extrernity injuries.