Delayed neurologic sequelae of carbon monoxide intoxication

Bedriye Müge Sönmez, Murat Doğan İşcanlı, Selçuk Parlak, Yasin Doğan, Hilmi Gökhan Ulubay, Emirhan Temel

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Issue: 2018, Volume 18, Issue 4
1648 1773

Tissue adhesives to secure peripheral intravenous catheters: A randomized controlled trial in patients over 65 years

Uğur Özkula, Ayhan Özhasenekler, Gülhan Kurtoğlu Çelik, Fatih Tanrıverdi, Gül Pamukçu Günaydın, Mehmet Ergin, Çağdaş Yıldırım, Şervan Gökhan

DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2018.08.003

Issue: 2019, Volume 19, Issue 1
1572 2251

Invasive mechanical ventilation in the emergency department

Başak Bayram, Emre Şancı

DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2019.03.001

Issue: 2019, Volume 19, Issue 2
1791 2668

Diagnostic and prognostic values of cerebral oxygen saturations measured by INVOS™ in patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease

Serkan Emre Eroğlu, Gökhan Aksel, Hayrullah Yönak, Merve Osoydan Satıcı

DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2019.01.001

Issue: 2019, Volume 19, Issue 2
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Acute inferior myocardial infarction associated with the ingestion of captagon pills: A case report

Mehmet Tahir Gokdemir, Ramazan Giden

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Issue: 2019, Volume 19, Issue 2
1565 1780

Axillary artery laceration after anterior shoulder dislocation reduction

Yesim Eyler, Turgay Yılmaz Kilic, Ali Turgut, Onur Hakoglu, Hasan Idil

DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2018.10.004

Issue: 2019, Volume 19, Issue 2
1530 1724

A clinical prediction rule for uncomplicated ureteral stone: The STONE score; a prospective observational validation cohort study

Arash Safaie, Mojdeh Mirzadeh, Ehsan Aliniagerdroudbari, Sepideh Babaniamansour, Alireza Baratloo

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Issue: 2019, Volume 19, Issue 3
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Add oleander to your list of corrosives

Omer Taskin, Fuat Belli, Ayca Acikalin, Nezihat Rana Disel

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Issue: 2019, Volume 19, Issue 3
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Epidemiological and sociocultural assessment of childhood poisonings

Halil Kazanasmaz, Özlem Kazanasmaz, Mustafa Çalık

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Issue: 2019, Volume 19, Issue 4
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Lactate measurements accurately predicts 1-week mortality in emergency department patients with acute kidney injury

Ayse Elif Aliustaoglu Bayar, Ersin Aksay, Nese Colak Oray

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Issue: 2019, Volume 19, Issue 4
1488 1411

Assessment of the carotid artery Doppler flow time in patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Sema Karadadaş, Şeref Kerem Çorbacıoğlu, Yunsur Çevik, Seda Dağar, Emine Emektar

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Issue: 2020, Volume 20, Issue 1
4626 1613

Assessing psychometric properties of Turkish version of the stressor scale for emergency nurses

Sadik Hancerlioglu, Gülbin Konakci, Fisun Senuzun Aykar

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Issue: 2020, Volume 20, Issue 2
3749 1484

Contribution of caval index and ejection fraction estimated by e-point septal separation measured by emergency physicians in the clinical diagnosis of acute heart failure

Murat Duyan, Aslıhan Yürüktümen Ünal, İbrahim Ulaş Özturan, Ertuğ Günsoy

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Issue: 2020, Volume 20, Issue 3
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Which patient should start empirical antibiotic treatment in urinary tract infection in emergency departments?

Aykut Başer, Atakan Yilmaz, Hülya Yilmaz Başer, Yusuf Özlülerden, Ali Ersin Zümrütbaş

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Issue: 2020, Volume 20, Issue 3
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Establishing a written advice sheet to patients consulting for wound to emergency ward improves postemergency care

Richard Chocron, Thomas Tamisier, Anne-Laure Feral-Pierssens, Philippe Juvin

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Issue: 2021, Volume 21, Issue 1
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Erector spinae plane block for pain control in patients with pancreatitis in the emergency department

Bharath Gopinath Roshan Mathew , Sanjeev Bhoi , Rakesh Nayaka , Gaurav Muvalia

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Issue: 2021, Volume 21, Issue 3
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Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of intravenous paracetamol and ibuprofen on the treatment of tonsillopharyngitis with fever: A prospective, randomized controlled, double‐blind clinical trial

Gizem Oncel, Atakan Yilmaz, Ramazan Sabirli, Yesim Kinaci Cimen, Mert Ozen, Murat Seyit, Ibrahim Turkcuer, Uzeyir Cimen

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Issue: 2021, Volume 21, Issue 4
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Splenic infarction and pulmonary embolism as a rare manifestation of COVID‐19

Egemen Yildiz*, Dilay Satilmis, Erdem Cevik

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Issue: 2021, Volume 21, Issue 4
2687 1567

Association between calcium administration and outcomes during adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the emergency department

Wachira Wongtanasarasin, Nat Ungrungseesopon, Nutthida Namsongwong, Pongsatorn Chotipongkul, Onwara Visavakul, Napatsakorn Banping, Worapot Kampeera, Phichayut Phinyo

DOI: 10.4103/2452-2473.342805

Issue: 2022, Volume 22, Issue 2
1349 1646

Manual versus mechanical chest compression in in‑hospital cardiac arrest: A retrospective cohort in emergency department patients

Alp Şener, Gül Pamukçu Günaydın, Fatih Tanrıverdi, Ayhan Özhasenekler, Şervan Gökhan, Gülhan Kurtoğlu Çelik, Özcan Sağlam, Nihal Ertürk

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Issue: 2022, Volume 22, Issue 2
1266 1509