Establishing a written advice sheet to patients consulting for wound to emergency ward improves postemergency care
Richard Chocron1, Thomas Tamisier2
, Anne-Laure Feral-Pierssens2
, Philippe Juvin3
1Department of Emergency, Université de Paris, PARCC, INSERM, AP-HP, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, F-75015 Paris, France
2Department of Emergency, AP-HP, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, F-75015 Paris, France
3Department of Emergency, Paris University, AP-HP, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, F-75015 Paris, France
Keywords: Emergency department, follow-up compliance, wound
OBJECTIVES: Sutures require follow-up visits for favorable evolution. To improve postemergency wound care, we decided to include a standardized advice sheet for patients based on current recommendations. The objective is to assess its effectiveness on outpatients' compliance after being discharged from the emergency department (ED).
METHODS: We performed a prospective, pre–post design trial in an ED of a teaching hospital. We included for two consecutive months all patients aged ≥16 years old and consulting for wounds that needed suturing, and we excluded chronic wounds, burns, and hand wounds since they all need special care. During the 1st month, all patients received during ED visit usual verbal instructions concerning the postemergency care (Group A). During the 2nd month, all patients received usual verbal instructions and a standardized written advice sheet that detailed postemergency wound care (Group B). We organized telephone follow-up after the suture removal date and asked about dressing changes, appearance of infection signs, and respect of suture removal date. We compared patients;' characteristics in the two groups and performed a multivariable logistic regression using compliance to discharge instructions as our endpoint.
RESULTS: For 2 months, 509 patients consulted for wounds. 119 (23.4%) patients were included in the study and followed. Baseline characteristics of patients did not differ between the two groups. Patients who received the advice sheet (Group B) had a better compliance in postemergency care (91.7% vs. 72.9%;P= 0.01). Moreover, there were significantly less dressing changes in Group B than in Group A (5.3 [2.2] vs. 12.9 [7.7];P< 0.01) and suture removal date was more in agreement with recommendations in Group B (83.9% vs. 66.7%;P= 0.03). Occurrence of infection was not significantly different between groups (9.7% vs. 13.7%;P= 0.37).
CONCLUSION: For the management of wound care, discharge hospital process including a written advice sheet improves outpatients' compliance and postemergency care.
How to cite this article: Chocron R, Tamisier T, Feral-Pierssens AL, Juvin P. Establishing a written advice sheet to patients consulting for wound to emergency ward improves postemergency care. Turk J Emerg Med 2021;21:6-13
Presentation(s) or awards at a meeting: The results have been presented at the French Emergency Medicine Society Congress (Paris) and at the European Society for Emergency Medicine (Glasgow) in 2018.
AP-HP Research Ethics Review Committee approved the investigation and with waiver of informed consent (IRB00011591, 10 January 2019).
R.C. and T.T. conceived and designed the experiments; R.C. and T.T. performed the experiments; R.C. analyzed and interpreted the data; R.C. and T.T contributed reagents, materials, analysis tools or data, R.C., T.T., A-L.F-P, and P.J. wrote the paper and review the article.
None Declared.
None declared.