Brucellar Testicular Abscess Presenting as a Testicular Mass: Can Color Doppler Sonography be used in Differentiation?

Furkan Kaya, Ali Kocyigit, Cihan Kaya, Ibrahim Turkcuer, Mustafa Serinken, Nevzat Karabulut

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2014.82698

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 1
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Spontaneous Bladder Rupture and Pelvic Fracture Due To Bladder Cancer


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Issue: 2014, Volume 14, Issue 3
10477 5352

A painful wrist after a fall on outstretched hand Trans-scaphoid perilunate fracture-dislocation

Asım Kalkan, Ozkan Kose

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2013.15045

Issue: 2013, Volume 13, Issue 3
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A case of multipl cranial nerve involvement caused by skull base and orbital wall fractures

Nilüfer İlhan, Özgür İlhan, Nihan Parlakfikirer, Mesut Coşkun, Esra Ayhan Tuzcu

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Issue: 2013, Volume 13, Issue 3
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Comparison of Ottawa Ankle Rules and Bernese Ankle Rules in Acute Ankle and Midfoot Injuries

Ozkan Kose, Servan Gokhan, Ayhan Ozhasenekler, Mustafa Celıktas, Seyhmus Yıgıt, Serkan Gurcan

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
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Comparison of Computerized Spiral Tomography with Ultrasonography for Detection of Ureteral Calculi

Can Aktaş, Esin Yencilek, Didem Ay, Baki Ekçi, Sezgin Sarıkaya, Uğur Özalp

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
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Monteggia Type I equivalent lesion; an orthopedic pitfall in the Emergency Department

Özkan Köse, Ayhan Özhasenekler, Şervan Gökhan, Şeyhmus Yiğit

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
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Fracture of the ulnar sesamoid bone of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb

Özkan Köse, Mustafa Çeliktaş, Şervan Gökhan, Ayhan Özhasenekler

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
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Clinical Indicators of Traumatic Brain Injury and Skull Fracture in Pediatric Head Trauma Patients

Murat ÖZSARAÇ, Özgür KARCIOĞLU, Hakan TOPAÇOĞLU, Cüneyt AYRIK, Selahattin KIYAN, Serkan SENER, Serhat GÜMRÜKÇÜ, Yücel DEMİRAL, Hatice ULUER

Issue: 2009, Volume 9, Issue 4
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The effect of prognostic criteria on the outcome of patients with nontraumatic acute pancreatitis

Ebru Karaca, Cem Oktay

Issue: 2008, Volume 8, Issue 1
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Assessment of ventricular wall motion with focused echocardiography during cardiac arrest to predict survival

Can Ozen, , Emre Salcin, Haldun Akoglu, Ozge Onur, Arzu Denizbasi

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Issue: 2016, Volume 16, Issue 1
4433 4192

Gluteal compartment syndrome secondary to superior gluteal artery injury following pelvis fracture: A case report and review of literature

Murat Songur, Ercan Şahin, Sinan Zehir, Ibrahim Ilker Oz, Mahmut Kalem

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Issue: 2016, Volume 16, Issue 1
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A rare cause of elbow injury

Ibrahim Toker, , Bunyamin Zirek

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Issue: 2016, Volume 16, Issue 1
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Analysis of ectopic pregnancies admitted to emergency department

Yeliz Simsek, Mehmet Oguzhan Ay

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Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 4
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Rapid onset mediastinal hematoma due to vertebral fracture and review of relevant literature

Vaner Koksal, Selcuk Coskun, Pinar Koksal Coskun

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Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 4
4454 4127

A rare cause of emergency department visit: Euphorbia helioscopia contact dermatitis

Ibrahim Hakan Bucak, Habip Almis, Birgul Tepe, Mehmet Turgut

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Issue: 2016, Volume 16, Issue 3
3718 3992

Impact of point-of-care ultrasound on disposition time of patients presenting with lower extremity deep vein thrombosis, done by emergency physicians

Javad Seyedhosseini, Arash Fadavi, Elnaz Vahidi, Morteza Saeedi, Mehdi Momeni

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Issue: 2018, Volume 18, Issue 1
3739 3735

The diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography in determining the reduction success of distal radius fractures

Ozgur Bozkurt, Murat Ersel, Funda Karbek Akarca, Sercan Yalcinli, Sadiye Midik, Levent Kucuk

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Issue: 2018, Volume 18, Issue 3
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Retrospective analysis of patients with sternal fracture

Sule Yakar, Necmi Baykan, Ömer Önal, Polat Durukan

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Issue: 2021, Volume 21, Issue 1
2781 1672

Successful angioembolization with autologous subcutaneous fat in an open book pelvic fracture

Yunus Emre Özlüer, Mücahit Avcil, Sadık Erdem Dizman

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Issue: 2021, Volume 21, Issue 2
3360 1443