Fatma Mutlu KUKUL GUVEN, ilhan Korkmaz, Zeki Dogan, Kenan Ahmet Döleş, Şevki Hakan Eren

Cumhuriyet Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalı, Sivas

Keywords: Aortic dissection


Mortality rate in aortc dissecton increases to 50% in the frst 48 hours due to delayed diagnosis and treatment. These patents generally admit to emergency department with acute onset sharp pain on sternum or interscapular region. They also can admit with syncope, cerebrovascular disease, myocardial infarcton, hemiparesis-hemiplegy, disphagy and lank pain. Hypertension, connectve tssue diseases, congenital aortc stenosis or bicuspid aortc valve and positve family history generally present in the etologies of aortc dissectons. Laboratory results without radiological data are inreliable and controversial in diagnosing of aortc dissectons among the patents with atypical symptoms. In this study; we aimed to review and discuss literature informaton about the aortc dissectons with three cases that admited to Cumhuriyet University Medicine Faculty Emergency Department with atypical complaints.