Small bowel perforation due to fish bone: A case report

Huseyin Pulat, Oktay Karakose, Mehmet Fatih Benzin, Seyma Benzin, Recep Cetin

DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2015.11.008

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 3
4377 4453

The lucky patient who aspirated a needle

Fatih Tanriverdi, Gulhan Kurtoglu Celik, Gul Pamukcu Gunaydin

DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2015.11.010

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 3
4885 5953

Intraorbital foreign bodies in maxillofacial traumas

Nilgün Yıldırım, Bige Sayın, Tuğba Durakoğlugil, Perihan Soydinç, Doğan Dede

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
9571 5499

Scarf pin aspirations that required thoracotomy and pulmonary resection

Yunsur Çevik, Murat Daş, Asliddin Ahmedali, Erkan Balkan, Ferhat İçme

Issue: 2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
9060 4582

Importance of Trendelenburg position in the posterior nasal cavity foreign body MART 2008

Emine Aydın, Filiz Aydoğan, Eren Taştan, Davut Tepe, Münir Demirci

Issue: 2008, Volume 8, Issue 1
9061 2463

May the first‐line treatment for foreign body aspiration in childhood be flexible bronchoscopy?

Hasan Yüksel, Adem Yaşar, Arzu Açıkel, İsmet Topçu, Özge Yılmaz

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Issue: 2021, Volume 21, Issue 4
2697 1476