Yusuf Yürümez1, Yücel Yavuz1, Hıdır Esme2, Okan Solak2, Dursun Şahin3

1Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İlk Ve Acil Yardım Anabilim Dalı,
2Göğüs Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Afyon
3Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, Afyon


Though rarely, wounds from blank cartridge guns can cause fatal or disabling injuries. Fatal injuries are inşicted with close range shots to head, chest and neck region. In this case report, we present a 47 year old male patient who presented with a hemopneumothorax caused by a blank cartridge handgun. The aim of this presentation is to draw attention to potential medical complications caused by blank cartridge handguns.